
Breaking Data Silos: Unifying Systems to Create 360-Degree Sales Dashboards

As a CIO (Chief Information Officer), you know the pain of data silos all too well. Customer, sales, inventory, and other critical business data often live in disconnected systems like CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and more. To gain insights that fuel growth, you need to break these silos.

In this article, you’ll learn how to integrate these disparate systems to create unified 360-degree sales dashboards. With a comprehensive view of customer behavior, market trends, and sales performance, you can drive data-backed strategy and optimize operations.

We’ll explore best practices for system integration and dashboard creation to help you transform siloed data into unified visibility and enhanced decision-making.

The Problem of Data Silos

Data silos are a widespread problem for many manufacturers and organizations. Different departments use their systems to track data, like CRM software for sales, ERP platforms for operations, and separate marketing and customer service tools. These systems are disconnected, containing data in isolated “silos” that can’t be accessed across the organization.

  • Limited visibility into customer relationships: With data trapped in silos, you have an incomplete view of the customer experience and relationships. Sales reps can’t see the full history of a customer’s interactions with your company or gain insights from marketing and service data. They go into calls with limited context and risk appearing uninformed or disorganized to the customer.
  • Inefficiencies and redundancies: Data silos also introduce inefficiencies as departments collect and manage the same data separately. This can lead to inconsistencies and require time-consuming manual work to synchronize data across systems. Valuable insights may be missed when data can’t be aggregated and analyzed holistically.
  • Barriers to improved decision-making: Most importantly, data silos obstruct visibility into key metrics and trends that could drive better decisions. Executives and managers need an integrated, high-level perspective of sales performance, customer satisfaction, and market changes to make strategic choices and gain a competitive advantage. Isolated data fragments provide an incomplete, distorted view of business health and growth opportunities.

Breaking down data silos through integration and unification is critical to overcoming these challenges. By connecting data across CRM, ERP, and other systems into 360-degree sales dashboards, manufacturers can gain the comprehensive insights needed to optimize sales, marketing, and customer experiences.

Integrating CRM, ERP, and Other Systems

A CRM contains valuable information on your customers, sales pipeline, and marketing campaigns. An ERP holds critical data on finance, inventory, and operations. By integrating these systems, along with others like marketing automation or e-commerce platforms, you gain a comprehensive view of your business in a single sales dashboard.

  • Streamline data and processes: Combining data from multiple systems eliminates duplication of information and the need to enter the same data into different platforms. Your teams now work from a sole source of truth, enabling tighter collaboration and improved decision-making.
  • Gain valuable insights: A unified dashboard provides end-to-end visibility into your sales cycle and business performance. You can see how marketing campaigns drive sales pipeline and revenue, understand how long it takes deals to close, identify roadblocks, and improve metrics. You gain insights to optimize sales, marketing, and operational strategies.
  • Improve the customer experience: With a cohesive view of each customer’s interactions across touchpoints, you can personalize communications and interactions. See the entire history of a customer relationship and anticipate the need to strengthen loyalty.
  • Select an integration platform: Choose a platform that can connect to all your systems through open APIs and pre-built connectors. Assess its data mapping, transformation, and automation capabilities to streamline integration. Consider a solution with AI that can detect relationships between data points and provide predictive analytics. With the right platform unifying your systems, you gain the visibility and insights needed to optimize your sales, marketing, and business strategies.

Building 360-Degree Customer Profiles

To gain a complete view of your customers and their behaviors, you need to integrate data from various systems into unified customer profiles. By combining information from your CRM, ERP, e-commerce, and marketing platforms, you can gain insights into your customers’ interactions across channels to better understand their needs, preferences, and lifetime value.

Merge customer data from disparate systems

The first step is consolidating customer data that currently resides in separate systems. Match records by email address, name, address, or other identifiers to link profiles and capture a comprehensive view of each customer. Resolve any inconsistencies in data fields across systems to ensure you have an accurate, single version of the truth for each customer.

Capture cross-channel interactions and behaviors

A 360-degree customer view should include interactions and behaviors across all channels where your customers engage with your brand. For example, pull data from your CRM to see customer service requests and from your e-commerce platform to analyze purchase history and shopping cart activity. Also draw in web analytics to capture website visits, traffic sources, and on-site actions. Combining data from multiple digital and offline channels provides context into the customer’s journey and helps identify opportunities to improve experiences.

Identify high-value customer segments

With a holistic view of your customers, you can gain insights to define and target your highest-value segments. Analyze attributes like customer lifetime value, purchase frequency, products purchased, and channel preferences to identify your loyal and potentially high-value customers. You may also uncover additional customer segments you were previously unaware of. These insights allow you to tailor marketing, sales, and product strategies to align with the needs and behaviors of your most valuable customers.

Unifying your customer data into 360-degree profiles enables a level of understanding not possible with fragmented systems and data silos. By capturing interactions across channels and applying analytics, you gain a true understanding of your customers and the ability to provide experiences tailored to their needs and values.

Creating Powerful Sales Dashboards

By integrating data from Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and other sources, manufacturers can gain valuable insights into sales performance and customer behavior through comprehensive sales dashboards.

Consolidating data

To create 360-degree views of sales, it is essential to break down data silos by consolidating information from different systems into a single platform. CRM systems contain details on customer interactions, leads, and opportunities, whereas ERP systems house transactional data related to orders, shipments, and payments. By integrating these systems, sales teams can gain a holistic understanding of the customer lifecycle and how relationships translate to sales.

Visualizing key metrics

Powerful sales dashboards provide visualizations of key performance indicators (KPIs) like monthly recurring revenue, sales funnel conversion rates, average deal sizes, and sales cycle lengths. Interactive charts and graphs enable sales managers to analyze trends, uncover challenges, and develop data-driven strategies to optimize sales processes. For example, if a chart shows decreasing conversion rates for leads in the opportunity stage of the sales funnel, the sales team can implement new nurturing campaigns to improve the quality of leads.

Enabling data-driven decisions

By consolidating data into a single source of truth and visualizing it through dashboards, manufacturers can enable data-driven decision-making. Sales managers can identify areas that need improvement, leverage insights to refine sales territories and quotas and develop highly targeted campaigns based on customer attributes and behaviors. With a comprehensive understanding of sales performance and metrics, companies can make strategic decisions to optimize sales, improve customer relationships, and gain competitive advantages.

In summary, breaking down data silos through the integration of CRM, ERP and other systems allows manufacturers to develop powerful sales dashboards. These dashboards provide a 360-degree view of the sales cycle, offer actionable insights to optimize sales processes, and enable data-driven decision-making to improve sales effectiveness.

Real-World Examples of Unified Sales Dashboards

Integrating CRM and ERP systems

Many manufacturers have begun unifying their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to gain a comprehensive view of the customer lifecycle. By integrating CRM data on customer contacts, accounts, and opportunities with ERP data on orders, shipments, invoices, and payments, companies can track how customer acquisition and retention translate to sales and revenue. Dashboards that combine CRM and ERP metrics, such as new customers, sales funnel velocity, and customer lifetime value, provide actionable insights to optimize sales and marketing activities.

Incorporating additional data sources

Some companies have taken sales dashboard unification even further by incorporating additional data sources like web analytics, social media, and internal databases. A manufacturing company may analyze website traffic and behavior to see how customers research products before engaging with sales representatives. They can evaluate the impact of social media campaigns on the lead generation. By accessing internal data on production, quality, and returns, the company gains visibility into how efficiently they can fulfill customer demand and address any quality issues that could affect retention.

Using advanced analytics

With a wealth of integrated data at their disposal, many companies are applying advanced analytics like predictive modeling and prescriptive analysis to their unified sales dashboards. Predictive analytics can forecast future sales opportunities or the risk of customer churn. Prescriptive analysis provides recommendations to optimize sales performance, such as which products and services to cross-sell or upsell to specific customers. By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning, sales dashboards can deliver intelligent insights in an automated fashion.

In summary, unifying CRM, ERP, and other systems provides a 360-degree view of sales performance. With comprehensive data and advanced analytics, sales organizations gain actionable insights to improve acquisition, drive revenue, enhance the customer experience, and boost loyalty and retention.


Breaking down data silos through integration is crucial for manufacturers. Unified sales dashboards provide a 360-degree view of the sales cycle, enabling data-driven decisions. Real-world examples show how integrating CRM, ERP, and other systems boosts sales effectiveness. Leveraging advanced analytics like predictive modeling enhances insights, fostering stronger customer relationships and driving revenue growth. This journey from siloed data to unified visibility empowers businesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

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